USBA Announcements

2025 USBA National Championship

**2025 USBA National Championship**

April 24 to 27, 2025

Hosted by Bergen Billiards, Palisades Park, NJ

Complete Information | Tournament Flyer | Qualifier Rules & Guidelines


 2025 Nationals Poster 1080


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Membership in the United States Billiard Association

Membership is the lifeblood of any organization. Our members provide financial support though annual dues and promote interest in the sport as they hone their skills through tournament play. Together we create an active community where members can share knowledge and exchange ideas. As members of the USBA, everyone has an opportunity to make new friends - some from around the world - who share the love of 3-cushion billiards.

In addition to the camaraderie of being part of the group, there are many tangible benefits for members as well. The USBA encourages all players, room owners and lovers of the game to support our efforts by joining the USBA. Choose a plan below and join now.

IMPORTANT: To register or renew by mail - CLICK HERE!

 USBA Sponsors


 USBA Affiliates

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