USBA Announcements

USBA Travel Fund Established for Players

A Travel Fund has been established to help offset the cost for USBA players to travel to international tournaments.

USBA Travel Fund Established for Players


Shots That I Love To Play
By Jim Shovak - Four Time USBA Tour "B" Champion

These 4 shots are common shots that most players consider "safe" but are not. They are basically the same shot off the first ball, but since the last ball is in a different position, it is necessary to use 4 different englishes. The 2 object balls are far away near the top rail and your cue ball is coming from the opposite corner. Your cue ball can be anywhere along the same line unless you are very close to the first object ball.

Shot # 1

In the first shot, use a lot of right center-ball spin (reverse), a 1/4 ball hit which means aim for a 1/8 ball hit because of deflection, and a hard snap stroke which means don't follow through. You are trying to hit the LONG rail first (on top), not the short rail.

Shot # 2

In the 2nd shot, use the same hit and aim, but use high right reverse English with the same stroke.

Shot # 3

In the 3rd shot, use the same hit and aim, but use high English with just a hair of right spin (reverse) and the same stroke. If the cue ball goes BEHIND the last ball, you are using too much reverse English.

Shot # 4

In the 4th shot, use a 1/4 ball hit and also aim for 1/4 ball since there will be no deflection on this shot. Use a high ball hit with no English and the same stroke.

If the cloth is new, then you will need to adjust your English. First shot, use high reverse; 2nd shot, use 1 tip reverse; 3rd shot, use no English high; 4th shot, use a hair of running (left) English.


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