Steps to post Player Rankings and Tournaments Included documents each month
Player rankings and tournaments included are provided approximately two weeks after the end of the prior month
Documents are provided in pdf format
Naming convention should be: YYYYMMDDPlayerRankings.pdf and YYYYMMDDTournamentsIncluded.pdf
Upload the two documents to the pdf folder in the PlayerRakingsPDF sub-folder on
Content -> Article Manager -> Open prior month article and save a copy to modify later. close
Re-open prior month and change status to uncategorised, unpublished... change dates as well... these older articles are archive only, save and close
Open the COPY that was created and edit the title, clear alias to allow automatically set, edit each link for url and description, edit the metadata description, change the create date and publish date, save and close
Edit the Explanation article - change the create and publish dates, save and close
Re-order the articles in the rankings category - Explanation should be 1, current month should be 2, save
Extensions -> Module Manager -> Top Ten...
Edit as-of date, edit player list, edit link, save and close
Clear Cache
Inspect all links