USBA Announcements

2025 USBA National Championship

**2025 USBA National Championship**

April 24 to 27, 2025

Hosted by Bergen Billiards, Palisades Park, NJ

Complete Information | Tournament Flyer | Qualifier Rules & Guidelines


 2025 Nationals Poster 1080

2025 National Qualifiers

Click Here for Information on the 2025 National Qualifiers

Schedule of National Qualifiers

February 4, 2025          Palisades Park, NJ         Bergen Billiards            Link to Info     Completed

February 6, 2025          Flushing, NY                  Carom Cafe Billiards     Link to Info     Completed

February 22, 2025.       Milpitas, CA                    Jimmy's Billiards          Link to Info

March 28–29, 2025     Tacoma, WA                    Elks Lodge #174           Link to Info

TBD                                Lauderhill, FL                 Carom Billiards              Info Coming Soon 


USBA Rules of Conduct for all USBA Tournaments

During a USBA tournament, the Tournament Director will be responsible for the enforcement of the following rules of conduct. He/she may designate any USBA member to help enforce the rules as needed. If the Tournament Director is not adequately enforcing these rules, a witness may bring it directly to the Board of Directors for a review and possible determination.

1) During a match, there will be no continuous conversation between one of the two players and any spectators. This is a distraction, especially when the opponent is playing a shot.

2) During a match, there will be no use of cell phones by either player. Both players will turn off or mute their cell phones prior to the beginning of the match.

3) After the completion of their inning, the players are required to sit in their designated seat and wait for his/her next required time at the table. Walking around or standing while your opponent is shooting is a distraction.

4) There is to be only 1 break per match. The break is to last no longer than 5 minutes. Both players must break at the same time and the break shall be taken at the halfway point of the match based on the total number of points scored by both players. In a 25 point match, for example, the break shall occur once the 25th point of the match has been scored, or at the end of that inning. Therefore, if the score of the match if 12-12, no break may be taken. If it is 13-12, then the break may be taken. If the score is 12-12 and then a player runs 8 points bringing the score to 20-12, a break may then be taken. But no break may be taken once the proper break time has been passed.

If a player breaks for more than 5 minutes, then a 5-point penalty shall be imposed. The 5 points will be deducted from the player's score. If it is more than 10 minutes, then the penalty is forfeiture of the match (0 points).

If a player takes a 2nd break, then the penalty is forfeiture of the match (0 points). If both players take a 2nd break, then both players forfeit the match (0 points).
In matches of 40 points or longer, a player may take a 2nd break in an emergency only with the permission of the tournament director.

5) During a match, under no circumstances will the use of foul or inappropriate language by either player be tolerated. This would be grounds for forfeiture of the match. Furthermore, a warning will be issued that any further violation of these Rules of Conduct will be grounds for dismissal from the tournament and after review by the USBA Board, possible termination from the USBA.

6) During a match, under no circumstances will either player throw any objects such as chalk, cue sticks, balls, etc. Such behaviour will automatically disqualify the player or players for that match. Furthermore, a warning will be issued that any further violation of these Rules of Conduct will be grounds for dismissal from the tournament and after review by the USBA Board, possible termination from the USBA.

7) During a match, if an opponent feels that the shooting player is taking an abnormal amount of time between shots and innings, he may ask the Tournament Director to watch or even referee the remainder of the match. If the Tournament Director agrees that the player is taking too long, he shall warn the player. Disregard of the warning will result in forfeiture of the match.

8) During a match, if a player engages in any other conduct with the intention of distracting the other player, the Tournament Director shall warn the player. Any further incidence of bad behaviour will result in forfeiture of the match. Furthermore, a warning will be issued that any further violations of these Rules of Conduct will be grounds for dismissal from the tournament and after review by the USBA Board, possible termination from the USBA.

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