**2025 USBA National Championship**
April 24 to 27, 2025
Hosted by Bergen Billiards, Palisades Park, NJ
Complete Information | Tournament Flyer | Qualifier Rules & Guidelines
2025 National Qualifiers
Click Here for Information on the 2025 National Qualifiers
Schedule of National Qualifiers
February 4, 2025 Palisades Park, NJ Bergen Billiards Link to Info Completed
February 6, 2025 Flushing, NY Carom Cafe Billiards Link to Info Completed
February 22, 2025. Milpitas, CA Jimmy's Billiards Link to Info
March 28–29, 2025 Tacoma, WA Elks Lodge #174 Link to Info
TBD Lauderhill, FL Carom Billiards Info Coming Soon
Address for checks or correspondence:
Andy Janquitto is a Maryland attorney. He is a former President of the USBA (2011-13) and has been the Treasurer since March 2017. He is the author of several articles on billiards, including Of Flukes, Clucks, Chimbas and Puppies: The Beauty and Bane of the Lucky Shot and The Things We Say: A compendium of laments, explanations, excited utterances, alibis and excuses He is also the author of The Oleomargarine Heir: The Story of Bogus Butter, the Great Vice Trial and the Millionaire Hippie Who Ended the Vietnam War (https://www.oleoheir.com).
Doug Deitel, Webmaster
Doug Deitel heads the company that manages the USBA website. He is a former financial executive who now spends his time playing billiards and ukulele, though not at the same time. He has served on the USBA Board of Directors and has experience directing USBA tournaments. Doug's also supports 3-cushion billiards worldwide through his International News website 3cushionbilliards.com
Jay Karahan, Executive Trustee
Jay Karahan began playing three cushion billiards in 2013, having played pocket billiards since 1970. Once he caught the three cushion bug he set about learning as much as he could about the sport. He quickly joined the USBA and has been a member ever since. Today Jay is proud to serve the organization as an executive trustee. Jay is a retired Texas trial judge, a former state and federal prosecutor and is currently the principal of Jay Karahan Law PLLC, a white collar criminal defense firm in Houston, Texas.
All members of the Leadership Team serve as volunteers and in the capacity of trustees for the organization.
These are the world records in our sport. Everything else is unofficial, un-refereed, undocumented or pure myth. Thanks to billiard writer and enthusiast Bert Van Manen for compiling these stats.
1) All USBA Board Members and its Officers shall not wilfully engage in any behaviour that is detrimental to the image of the USBA including:
a) behaviour at USBA Tournaments
b) behaviour at non-USBA Tournaments
c) behaviour in public at billiard-related events or gatherings
Any infraction at these aforementioned venues must be egregious; that is, it must be something serious. For example, getting upset because you missed a shot is not serious. But yelling at your opponent because they just defeated you is not acceptable. If your opponent cheated, for example, and you have a brief exchange with him/her, that might not be something that is out of the norm. That can happen with anybody. But as a Director or Officer, you must be able to keep it from getting out of control.
2) Any communication made without the permission of an Officer of the USBA or the USBA Board, public or private, that jeopardizes a sponsorship or agreement between the USBA and another company, or hurts the image of the USBA, including posts made on any public forum, such as AZ Billiards Carom Forum; phone calls; emails; etc., is an infraction of these Rules of Conduct.
3) While the Board is in discussion, whether on the Board Forum, through emails, on a teleconference or in person, all Board Members will treat each other with respect. Disagreement is normal and arguing is normal. But personal attacks are not permitted. If a Board Member of Officer gets blatantly out of hand, it is an infraction of these Rules of Conduct.
Depending on the severity of the infraction, the Board Member or Officer will be suspended for a minimum of 30 days. If the infraction is very serious, the member can be terminated. Multiple infractions are grounds for immediate termination. If the offender is not an Officer, the President can make the decision regarding suspension or termination. This can be overridden by the Board if the Board feels that the President is out of line. If the offender is an Officer, then the Board will make the decision whether to suspend or terminate the Officer.
During a USBA tournament, the Tournament Director will be responsible for the enforcement of the following rules of conduct. He/she may designate any USBA member to help enforce the rules as needed. If the Tournament Director is not adequately enforcing these rules, a witness may bring it directly to the Board of Directors for a review and possible determination.
1) During a match, there will be no continuous conversation between one of the two players and any spectators. This is a distraction, especially when the opponent is playing a shot.
2) During a match, there will be no use of cell phones by either player. Both players will turn off or mute their cell phones prior to the beginning of the match.
3) After the completion of their inning, the players are required to sit in their designated seat and wait for his/her next required time at the table. Walking around or standing while your opponent is shooting is a distraction.
4) There is to be only 1 break per match. The break is to last no longer than 5 minutes. Both players must break at the same time and the break shall be taken at the halfway point of the match based on the total number of points scored by both players. In a 25 point match, for example, the break shall occur once the 25th point of the match has been scored, or at the end of that inning. Therefore, if the score of the match if 12-12, no break may be taken. If it is 13-12, then the break may be taken. If the score is 12-12 and then a player runs 8 points bringing the score to 20-12, a break may then be taken. But no break may be taken once the proper break time has been passed.
If a player breaks for more than 5 minutes, then a 5-point penalty shall be imposed. The 5 points will be deducted from the player's score. If it is more than 10 minutes, then the penalty is forfeiture of the match (0 points).
If a player takes a 2nd break, then the penalty is forfeiture of the match (0 points). If both players take a 2nd break, then both players forfeit the match (0 points).
In matches of 40 points or longer, a player may take a 2nd break in an emergency only with the permission of the tournament director.
5) During a match, under no circumstances will the use of foul or inappropriate language by either player be tolerated. This would be grounds for forfeiture of the match. Furthermore, a warning will be issued that any further violation of these Rules of Conduct will be grounds for dismissal from the tournament and after review by the USBA Board, possible termination from the USBA.
6) During a match, under no circumstances will either player throw any objects such as chalk, cue sticks, balls, etc. Such behaviour will automatically disqualify the player or players for that match. Furthermore, a warning will be issued that any further violation of these Rules of Conduct will be grounds for dismissal from the tournament and after review by the USBA Board, possible termination from the USBA.
7) During a match, if an opponent feels that the shooting player is taking an abnormal amount of time between shots and innings, he may ask the Tournament Director to watch or even referee the remainder of the match. If the Tournament Director agrees that the player is taking too long, he shall warn the player. Disregard of the warning will result in forfeiture of the match.
8) During a match, if a player engages in any other conduct with the intention of distracting the other player, the Tournament Director shall warn the player. Any further incidence of bad behaviour will result in forfeiture of the match. Furthermore, a warning will be issued that any further violations of these Rules of Conduct will be grounds for dismissal from the tournament and after review by the USBA Board, possible termination from the USBA.
Section 1.01 Name
The name of this organization is the United States Billiard Association (USBA). The USBA at all times shall be operated and conducted as an unincorporated not-for-profit association and shall have all of the powers of such an association as conferred by law.
Section 1.02 Mission
The mission of the USBA is:
1) To be an open, non-profit, independent organization that promotes carom billiards in the United States;
2) To encourage the participation of players of all ages by affording them the opportunity to meet, confer, comingle and socialize at billiard tournaments and other billiard events.;
3) To serve as the coordinating body for carom billiards in the United States with the United States Olympic Committee, the World Confederation of Billiards Sports, the Billiard Congress of America, the Union Mondiale de Billard, and all recognized and established international organizations that are involved in carom billiards;
4) To be the sole affiliate/federation in the United States of the Union Mondiale de Billiard or any successor world organization;
5) To be recognized as the authoritative body that defines the rules and standards of play and regulates carom billiards in the United States; and
6) To provide the venue as well as control the procedures for the designation of the annual United States National Champion in carom billiards.
The USBA shall be nonpolitical: it shall not promote the candidacy of any person seeking public office.
Section 1.03 Location of Principal Office
The principal office of the USBA for the transaction of business shall be at the residence of the Secretary or at any other place designated by the Board of Directors.
Section 2.01 Membership Requirements
Membership is open to any individual or organization that supports the mission of the USBA.
Section 2.02 Membership Categories, Admission and Dues
The Board of Directors from time to time may
1) establish membership classifications;
2) adopt rules and procedures for admission to the USBA; and
3) set membership dues.
Section 2.03 Membership rights
All members in good standing, regardless of category, shall be entitled to:
1) vote for candidates for positions on the Board of Directors and on each matter submitted to a vote of the members; and
2) enjoy the benefits of membership conferred upon them.
Section 2.04 Non-Liability of Members
A member shall not, solely because of such membership, be personally liable for the debts, obligations, or liabilities of the USBA.
Section 3.01 Board of Directors
The USBA will have and be governed by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall consist of seven (7) members.
Section 3.02 Ultimate Authority
The Board of Directors shall have ultimate authority over the business, policies, affairs, and activities of the USBA, including, but not limited to, the authority to
1) remove any Director for cause;
2) expel any member for cause;
3) enact, amend, or repeal provisions of this Constitution
4) promulgate, adopt and amend by-laws or other operational rules and procedures; and
5) make such rules and procedures covering its meetings as, in its discretion, it determines is necessary.
Section 3.03 Chairperson of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall select one of the Directors to act as the Chairperson under the terms as established by the Board of Directors. The Chairperson shall:
1) enforce due observance of this Constitution;
2) preside at all Board or General Membership Meetings and shall conduct them according to this Constitution;
3) decide all questions of order under Robert's Rules unless instructed otherwise by this Constitution, the By-Laws or by a vote of the Directors to deviate from such rules;
4) perform any other duties pertaining as may be required for the orderly conduct of the organization's business and not expressly defined within this Constitution;
5) shall appoint all committee chairpersons; and
6) shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 3.04 Secretary
The Board of Directors shall select one of the Directors to act as Secretary under the terms as established by the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall:
1) note all amendments, deletions, and additions to the Constitution;
2) permit the Constitution to be consulted by members upon request;
3) keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings; and
4) maintain a roll of members;
Section 3.05 Treasurer
The Board of Directors shall select one of the Directors to act as Treasurer under the terms as established by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall:
1) receive and provide receipt for all monies paid to the organization and all monies received and expended;
2) keep track of the finances of the organization; and
3) provide an annual report to the membership on the financial status of the USBA, including income, expenses and bank balances
Section 3.06 Coordination and Assistance
A person may act as both the Secretary and the Treasurer. The Board of Directors may also authorize non-Board members to assist the Secretary and Treasurer carry out the duties of those positions. Section 3.07 Vacancies
Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled in the manner prescribed by the by-laws, rules or procedures adopted by the Board of Directors.
Section 4.01 Qualifications for Board of Directors
To be eligible for the Board of Directors, the candidate must be a USBA member in good standing and must permanently reside in the United States. After election to office, a Director must continue to meet all of the eligible criteria. If the Director fails to meet those criteria after 30 days written notice (which may be by e-mail) of that failure is sent to that person from the Chairman or Secretary, the term of office of that Director shall immediately terminate; but this 30 day period may be extended for up to an additional 90 days by vote of the Board of Directors (in which the affected Director shall not be entitled to vote) if the Board of Directors determines that the Director is making a good faith effort to correct the failure.
Section 4.02 Term of Office
Elections for all elected offices shall take place every four years from October 1 through December 31 beginning in the year 2005 and the term of office will begin the following March 1st beginning in the year 2006. The newly-elected Board may take office at an earlier date if a majority of the old Board Members agree.
Section 4.03 Board of Directors to be Elected:
The Directors shall be elected by the members of the USBA.
Section 4.04 Nominations for Board of Directors
The Secretary prior to August 1 of the year of the election must solicit nominations from the membership. The deadline for nominations shall be September 1 of the same year. All nominations must receive a majority vote of the current members of the Board of Directors in order to be placed on the ballot with three (3) votes constituting a quorum.
Section 4.05 Voting
The Board of Directors will establish and disseminate to the members the rules and regulations for Voting.
Section 4.06 Voting for Directors
Each member shall be allowed to vote for any candidate to the Board of Directors. Each member will be entitled to cast one vote for each position to be filled on the Board of Directors.
Section 5.01 Annual Meeting:
Time permitting, any member of the Board of Directors present at the National Championship Tournament should call a General Membership Meeting to be held at the same venue and same time of the National Championship Tournament.
1) A portion of the Annual Meeting shall be given over to business matters pertaining to the membership at large; and
2) At any membership meeting, for every action requiring a vote, each member present shall be entitled to one vote.
Section 5.02 Other General Membership Meetings:
Other than the Annual Meeting, there shall be no regularly scheduled General Membership Meetings.
Section 5.03 Board of Directors Meetings:
The Board of Directors shall hold periodic meetings in order to transact the business of the USBA.
Section 5.04 Quorum at Board of Directors Meetings:
The presence of fifty percent (50%) or more of the Board of Directors at any meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 5.05 Between Board of Directors Meetings
Between Board of Directors meetings, the affairs of the USBA shall be conducted according to this Constitution and any by-laws rules and procedures established by the Board of Directors consistent with this Constitution.
Section 6.01 Amendments
This Constitution may be amended or repealed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote by the members of the Board of Directors, with five (5) members constituting a quorum.
In the event of dissolution of the USBA the residual assets of the organization will be turned over to one or more non-profit organizations that promote billiards.
Upon adoption of this Constitution by the Board of Directors, all prior Constitutions and all by-laws inconsistent with this Constitution shall become null and void.