**2025 USBA National Championship**
April 24 to 27, 2025
Hosted by Bergen Billiards, Palisades Park, NJ
Complete Information | Tournament Flyer | Qualifier Rules & Guidelines
The 2017 USBA 3-Cushion National Championship was recorded live at the Casino Del Sol Resort in Tucson Arizona. There were 35 players in total. The event for six days consisting of, 3 days of qualifying rounds and three days of finals, all in round robin format. Videos courtesy of POVPool. The playlist of all matches follows.
The Gabriels USBA Tour Events at Casino Del Sol in Tucson Arizona continued on January 18, 2017 with the Open event. The tournament was live-streamed courtesy of POVPool. The playlist of all matches follows.
The Gabriels USBA Tour Events at Casino Del Sol in Tucson Arizona began on January 16, 2017 with the "B" event. The tournament was live-streamed courtesy of POVPool. The playlist of all matches follows.
The 2016 USBA 3-Cushion National Championship was recorded live at Million Dollar Billiards located at 12135 Victory Blvd in North Hollywood, CA March 16-20, 2016. There were 40 players in total. The event ran four days consisting of, 2 days qualifying rounds, one day of semi final rounds and one day of finals. Videos courtesy of POVPool. The playlist of all matches follows.
Videos are a great way for 3-cushion billiard players to share, learn and enjoy the game. The video that follows is a great example... with a little humor thrown in for good measure. Enjoy.