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JUDGE JAY KARAHAN "B" and "C" HANDICAPPED - US Billiards - Houston TX  
Saturday, October 11, 2014 Hits : 1809  
US Billiards
10905 Bellaire Blvd
Houston TX 77072

Local "B" and "C" Three Cushion Billiards

Handicapped Tournament

 Sponsored by Judge Jay Karahan

And The Law Office of Thomas Nguyen, PLLC

NEW!!! $1000 Added Prize Fund

Saturday October 11, 2014

Special thanks goes out to our two tournament sponsors Judge Jay Karahan and the Law Office of Thomas Nguyen, PLLC for each contibuting $500 to our prize fund. $1000 added!!!

Where: US Bida, Houston, Texas (see map below)

When: Saturday October 11, 2014 starting at 11:00AM SHARP!!! Don't be late!!!

Length: One day (Saturday) if possible. Depending on the number of players final rounds may be held on Sunday.

Eligibility: USBA membership is NOT required (this is a local tournament) Open to any player who can make it to Houston as long as they are a "B" player or below. A and B+ players are not eligible to play. Decision based on rating, previous tournament experience and firsthand knowledge of the tournament director and/or room manager.

Entry Fee: $50 payable in cash on the day of the tournament. 

Prize Distrubution: $500 added by tournament sponsor Judge Jay Karahan. Prize payouts to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Amounts and further distrubution depending on number of players.

Note: A portion of total funds will be set aside for tables, staff and for refreshments and snacks for the entrants.

Format: Round Robin or Round Robin followed by single elimination depending on number of players.

Equipment: Eight Verhoeven Tables

Contact: For information contact Tim Nguyen 713-545-9451

Paid Political Ad Judge Jay Karahan Campaign in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act, Linda Dewhurst, Treasurer



US Bida (Billiards)

10905 Bellaire Blvd Suite E

Houston, Texas 77072 USA

Contact Tim Nguyen 713-545-9451


Eight Verhoeven 10' heated three cushion billiard tables

Two 9' non-heated carom tables

Two pocket billiard pool tables








Room is known both as US Bida (Vientnamese) and US Billiards

There is another location known as US Billiards Sport Bar & Grill on Veterans Memorial (see listing)