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2015 USBA NATIONAL QUALIFIER - Amazin Billiards -Malden MA  
Sunday, January 11, 2015 Hits : 2122  

USBA 3 Cushion National Championship Qualifying Tournament

Amazin Billiards

40 Faulkner St. Malden, Mass 02148  Ph:781.605.2389781.605.2389

When: Sunday, January 11, 2015

Format: Round Robin

Maximum Field: 16 Players

Entry Fee: $110

Start Time: 10:00 a.m. prompt

Dress Code: Slacks, collared shirt, shoes.

Matches will be to 20 points. With 12 players, three will qualify for the Nationals being held at Carom Café in New York in May 2015. With 16 players, four will qualify.

Players will be entered on a first come first serve basis and only those paid in full by Friday, January 9th will be allowed to participate.

The number of flights will be determined at 9:45 a.m. on the day of the tournament which will depend on the number of paid entries.

The winners that qualify will have their entry fee to the Nationals paid ($300) and also be given some prize money at the qualifier.

Good luck to all!



Amazin Billiards | 40 Faulkner St. Malden, Mass 02148 | 781.605.2389781.605.2389 | 



Amazin Billiards

40 Faulkner St

Malden, Massachusetts 02148 USA


Contact Mazin Shooni 248-910-4466


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