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2025 USBA National Championship  
From Thursday, April 24, 2025
To Sunday, April 27, 2025
Hits : 740  


2025 USBA National Championship

Venue:              Bergen Billiards

Address:           411 12th St, Palisades Park NJ 07650

Dates:               April 24–27, 2025

Complete Tournament Information in PDF


Nearby Hotels

Download List of Nearby Hotels PDF


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USBA National Championship Eligibility

All players MUST be a member of the USBA

All players must be a US resident and have resided in the US for a minimum of two years prior to the start of the tournament

Players who compete under the flag of any federation/country other than the USBA/USA in UMB or other official tournaments are not eligible


How to Enter

The top four finishers from the 2024 National Championship and all former U.S. National Champions will automatically gain paid entry into the 2025 tournament

All other players will gain eligibility through a series of Qualifying Tournaments

Tournaments will be listed in the USBA Upcoming Tournaments Calendar with the designation “NATIONAL QUALIFIER”

Players who meet eligibility requirements as described below may enter for only $300.00

For all other players the entry fee is $500

All players who win a spot into the National Championship from one of the Official National Qualifying Events will gain paid entry

After all qualified entrants have been determined, additional placement into the USBA National Championship will be made available to USBA Members in the following order of priority:

1) Members who have played in a Qualifier — Entry fee is only $300.00 on a first paid/first served basis

2) All other members — Entry fee is $500.00 on a first paid/first served basis


National Qualifiers

Qualifiers are being scheduled now for January through March 2025

For more information on scheduling a National Qualifier at your room contact:

Charles Brown (


Open Inscription (for players who have not played in a Qualifier)

Open inscription begins March 1, 2025. Contact Charles Brown (


Tournament Format

The tournament format will be set once the final number of entries has been determined


Prize Fund

The number of prizes and the prize fund distribution will be set once the tournament format has been finalized


USBA National Qualifier Rules & Guidelines

Complete Qualifier Rules and Guidelines in PDF

USBA National Championship & Qualifiers Eligibility

All players MUST be a member of the USBA

All players must be a US resident and have resided in the US for a minimum of two years prior to the start of the tournament

Players who compete under the flag of any federation/country other than the USBA/USA in UMB or other official tournaments are not eligible

Entry Fee

Suggested Entry Fee is $100.00

A $10.00 Sanction Fee per player is charged

($100.00 Entry Fee + $10.00 Sanction Fee = $110.00 Total/per player)

Number of Qualified Players

For every 5 players that participate, 1 player can qualify for the Nationals


With 5 players, 1 player can qualify for the Nationals

With 10 players, 2 players can qualify for the Nationals

Thereafter, for every additional 5 players, 1 more can qualify

Monies Sent to the USBA

$300.00 per player who qualifies is sent to the USBA which represents the $300 Nationals entry fee

$10.00 Sanction Fee per player that participates in the Qualifier is sent to the USBA

Any other money the tournament director or room owner can use as he/she/they see fit

Example for each Qualified Player (from every 5 players that participate)

$110 x 5 = $550

$50 for the USBA sanction fees. $300 entry fee to the Nationals for the Qualified Player

$200 extra for the tournament director or room owner to use as he/she/they see fit

Non-Winner Entrants

All other participants in the qualifier are entitled to submit their entry fee for the National Championship to the USBA if there are available spots in the Nationals

The normal entry fee is $500 but all qualifier participants receive the discounted rate of $300


If a Qualifying player cannot attend the Nationals, then the USBA will use 50% ($150) of the $300 entry fee towards the running of the Nationals and will give the remaining 50% ($150) to the next-in-line player from that Qualifier that attends the Nationals up to a total of 2 more positions of finish

Tournament Results

Room owners or tournament directors will send completed tournament results to the USBA to be posted on

Tournament Announcement and Flyer

All National Qualifiers will be listed in the calendar with the designation “NATIONAL QUALIFIER”

Room owners or tournament directors should prepare a tournament flyer to be posted on
