Soon the Games Will Begin!
The Tables Have Arrived
The eight Gabriels Elements tables on which the 2013 USBA three-cushion nationals will be played have arrived from Belgium. They have cleared customs and are currently being inspected and tested by tournament table mechanic Yura Ra. Gabriels is the official partner of the USBA and has supplied tables for the USBA nationals for three consecutive years. The nationals will be held as part of Allen Hopkins Super Billiard Expo in Edison, New Jersey. The games begin on April 3 and conclude on April 7. Clink on this link for complete tournament information, players list, directions, hotel information and a map of the venue.
Three More Have Qualified
The last qualifier for the 2013 USBA nationals was held over the weekend of March 2 and 3 at Chris's Billiards in Chicago. Three players qualified, George Ashby, Lupe Cruz and Thang Lé. Ashby is a former national champion, having won five BFUSA and three ABA titles in the 1970s and 1980s. Lupe Cruz is a strong player with several USBA tour victories in his possession. Little is known of Thang Lé except that he is a strong player deserving of the honor of playing in the nationals. These three join 18 other qualifiers and at least 18 other players who have announced their intention to participate in the championship tournament.
Click HERE to see the Photo Gallery from the event!