And... UMB Ranks Piedrabuena 24th in World Rankings!
Pedro Piedrabuena, seven-time US Champion, was ranked Number 1 in the offical rankings of the CPB for April 2014. The CPB (ConfederaciĆ³n Panamericana de Billar) is the governing body for three cushion billiards in the Amercas. Piedrabuena's ranking is a result of his winning his second Pan American Championship in June 2013.
In addition the United States was ranked second overall in the country rankings with the success of Piedrabuena in the indivudual events and the win for the US Team of Hugo Patino and Mazin Shooni.
See the entire CPB rankings here:
US Players Recognized by UMB
The Union Modiale de Billard (UMB) the International governing body for three cushion and other carom billiard disciplines has published its world rankings as of April 2014. With his continued success in National and International competition, USA's Pedro Piedrabuena has been ranked 24th.
Other US players to receive world recognition in the top 250 are Michael Kang (103), Hugo Patino (107), Mazin Shooni (184), Miguel Torres (235) and Jae Hyung Cho (236).
See the entire UMB rankings here:
Related story: Piedrabuena Wins Second Pan-American Title