*** CANCELLED *** Hood River Spring USBA Tournament - Hood River Elks Club, Hood River, Oregon, USA |
From Friday, March 31, 2017
To Sunday, April 02, 2017
Hits : 3559 |
This Event Has Been Cancelled
March 31-April 2nd . 2017: Hood River Spring USBA Tournament
Hood River Elks Club, Hood River, OR Contact Harvey Wixman This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sorry... the organizers hope the event returns next year.
Hood River Elks Lodge No. 1507
304 Cascade Ave
Hood River, Oregon 97031 USA
Contact Harvey Wixman This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Four 5'X10' Bruunswick tables with European rubber and cloth