Tournament Information
Russ Guppy Memorial Tournament Hood River Elks Club, Hood River, Oregon, USA | |||||||
Russ Guppy Memorial TournamentHood River Elks Club, Hood River, Oregon, USAWe cordially invite you to our Fall Billiards Tournament scheduled to take place at 9AM Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 3rd, 4th and 5th at the Hood River Elks Lodge, 315 Cascade Avenue in Hood River, Oregon. We will have a players meeting at 9AM on Friday morning and play will begin immediately thereafter. Please note that due to available time and tables it will be necessary to limit the number of players to the first 21 paid entrants. Latecomers will be placed on an alternate list. Checks in the amount of $85 can be made out to ( Hood River Elks Billiards ) and please include your contact materials,- name, email and phone #. Send your checks to: Hood River Elks Billiards, 315 Cascade Ave, Hood River, OR. 97031 Your entry fee includes coffee and doughnuts, our world famous Saturday Banquet Dinner and the opportunity to meet and greet old friends and maybe make some new ones. Please park only in the non-numbered parking spaces ( the numbered ones are rented from 8AM to 5PM Monday through Friday). Regrettably due to limited parking the board has decided to disallow R-V’s in the parking lot. If you know someone who might be interested please pass this invitation on. This Tournament is not a USBA sponsored or Sanctioned event For questions phone Harvey Wixman at 541-490-1192 I am looking forward to seeing you in Hood River; In fellowship, Harvey Wixman |
Location Hood River Elks Lodge No. 1507 304 Cascade Ave Hood River, Oregon 97031 USA 541-386-1507
Contact Harvey Wixman |
Four 5'X10' Bruunswick tables with European rubber and cloth