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USBA ENDORSED - Hood River Elks - Hood River OR  
From Friday, November 09, 2012
To Monday, November 12, 2012
Hits : 1427  


Read Tom Thomsen's report on the results of this great event!


USBA Endorsed Tournament

USBA Membership is NOT required.

Hood River Elks Lodge # 1507 
304 Cascade Ave

Hood River OR, 97031 
Phone: 541-386-1507

Is Proud to Announce

The Umpteenth Plus One
Annual Billiards Tournament

We cordially invite you to our popular, relaxed and comfortable billiards tournament. The date will be Friday, November 9 th , Saturday, Nov 10 th and Sunday, Nov 11 th . We have 4 Brunswick tables with European rubber and cloth, which is in good shape but not new. This year our tournament will be USBA sanctioned and $10 of the entry fee will be donated to the USBA. Since it is called an “endorsed” tournament non-USBA members may play by just remitting an extra $10 for a one-time membership.

The Entry Fee will be $75 and will include coffee and doughnuts and our world famous Saturday Banquet with your choice of prime rib, salmon or chicken.

Please note that it will be necessary to limit the number of players to 24 due to time available and number of tables. Therefore the first 24 paid entries will have preference to play and latecomers will be placed on an alternates list. The format and payouts will be determined on the number of entrants. We normally let the “C” players and the “B” players play each other but have two separate payouts based on w/l, points, and who-beat-whom. We will be keeping innings per USBA rules.

Checks may be made out to Harvey Wixman and sent to Harvey Wixman, 3799 Straight Hill Road, Hood River, OR, 97031. If you have Questions you can contact me at the above address or by email atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at 541-354-1161.

If you know someone who you think might be interested please pass this invite on since it will only be distributed to Darrel Stutesman's email list and the USBA website.

Looking forward to seeing you in Hood River, in fellowship, 
Harvey Wixman

Ranking Points to be awarded for this tournament (must be a USBA Member):

1st Place
8 points
2nd Place
5 points
3rd Place
4 points
4th Place
3 points
5th & 6th Place
2 points
7th & 8th Place
2 points
9th through 12th Place
1 point
13th through 16th Place
1 point
17th through 24th Place
1 point
25th through 32nd Place
1 point
33rd Place and over
1 point

Hotel and Rental Car Discounts:

The USBA has a contract with Choice Hotels International. If you would like to receive at least a 15% discount at Choice Hotel locations, please refer to your Membership Package for details or you can access the USBA Forum "Members Only" area. To become a USBA Member, click "Join" at the top or the upper left side of this page and follow the instructions to pay by credit/debit card through PayPal. You do NOT need a PayPal account to use PayPal. You can also mail in membership dues by check.

USBA Members also receive between 5-10% discount from the following car rental companies, if they service the area:



Hood River Elks Lodge No. 1507

304 Cascade Ave

Hood River, Oregon 97031 USA


Contact Harvey Wixman


Four 5'X10' Bruunswick tables with European rubber and cloth