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USBA TOUR B+ - College Billiards - El Cajon, CA  
From Friday, March 22, 2013
To Sunday, March 24, 2013
Hits : 2576  

2013 USBA TOUR "B+" Tournament

College Billiards, 5303 El Cajon Blvd, San Diego, CA 92115 - 619-582-4550

Read about this fantastic first USBA Tour Event for 2013 here!

Check out the detailed charts with averages here!


March 22-24, 2013 Friday-Sunday

Player's Meeting: Friday morning at 10:00am: Matches start immediately afterwards

Estimated Prize Fund of $9,000 (based on 30 players and estimated auction/lottery proceeds)
$3,300 added to the prize fund from room owner and USBA Tour Sponsors.

Entry Fees:
"B+" Players (between .700 and .899 average): $195*
"B" & "C" Players (less than .700 average): $145*

* includes $25 non-member fee & $10 sanction fee
USBA Members receive $25 back after verification of their membership

Format (based on 30 players):

5 groups of 6 players each to 25 points. Players must keep their innings.
Top 2 from each group advance to semi-finals based on record, total pts, head-to-head & pts against.
One lottery winner and one auction winner also advance to the semi-finals.

Semi-Finals: 2 groups of 6 players each to 25 points.

Final Matches:
1st place finisher of one finals' group plays the 1st place finisher of the other finals' group to 30 pts.
2nd place finisher of one finals' group plays the 2nd place finisher of the other finals' group to 30 pts.
and so on....

Format may be changed depending on the actual number of players.

Dress code: Prelims: shoes, black pants, collared shirt. Finals: full dress code including vest and bow-tie.

Estimated Prizes:
1) $2000 7) $500
2) $1500 8) $400
3) $1200 9) $350
4) $1000 10) $300
5) $700 11) $250
6) $600 12) $200


College Billiards

5303 El Cajon Blvd

San Diego, California 92115 USA

619 582-4550

Contact Pedro Piedrabuena - 213-458-3950


Six Verhoeven 5'X10' heated tables

Thirteen Pool tables

One 6'X12' Snooker table