Three Cushion Billiard News
- Hits: 4417
And... UMB Ranks Piedrabuena 24th in World Rankings!
Pedro Piedrabuena, seven-time US Champion, was ranked Number 1 in the offical rankings of the CPB for April 2014. The CPB (ConfederaciĆ³n Panamericana de Billar) is the governing body for three cushion billiards in the Amercas. Piedrabuena's ranking is a result of his winning his second Pan American Championship in June 2013.
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Forty-Two players in Houston Texas comprise the official entries in the 2014 US Nationals.
Current US National Three Cushion Champion Pedro Piedrabuena is set to meet six former champions, former women's Three Cushion Champion Mercedes Gonzalez, eight local players from Houston, and 26 players from around the US to vie for the 2014 title.
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Judge Jay Karahan Sponsors Local Tournament
(l to r) Dung Truong 3rd/4th, Quang Tran 2nd, Luis Castillo 1st, Hoan Ton 3rd/4th
US Bida in Houston Texas hosted a local B championship on Saturday March 1st. The event was sponsored by Judge Jay Karahan, an avid billiard player and respected member of the Harris County judiciary. Judge Jay added $500 to the prize fund and helped officiate the event. Our host, Tim Nguyen, provided a wonderful lunch and beverages for both players and spectators. It was a grand day for billiards!
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(L to R): John Magulas, Joe DeAmato, Raymond Ceulemans, Bob Page
Some people called him Jack, some John, some Magu but no matter what you called him if you were fortunate enough to know him, really know him, you have some beautiful memories of a strong minded, soft hearted man that you could call a friend.