Three Cushion Billiard News
- Hits: 4587
Professor Q Ball Awards Plaques of Appreciation
In a private ceremony with the team of supporters, Paul Frankel presented plaques of appreciation to those team members who have stepped up to make the past 5 years a successful Expo Event. All recipients were honored to receive this recognition and honored to be a part of Professor-Q-Ball Promotions at the 2015 Expo. Pictured: Charles Brown, Tom Paley, Yura Ra, Paul Frankel-Professor-Q-Ball
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Jennifer Shim International
July 18 to 20 Just prior to the Verhoeven Open
Additional July Events and Promotion
Carom Café is working closely with other billiard rooms in the NY metro area (Royal Billiards, Uno Café and Billiards, Skyline Billiards, and possibly others) organizing exhibition events with some of the top players. Overall, this is shaping up to be an exciting ten days for three-cushion billiards in New York.
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- Hits: 4800
Dear Presidents of Federations,I have to inform you that the Pan American Championships Three Cushion will be organized by the Peruvian Federation of Billiards from 15 to 23 August this year.All details will be released in the coming weeks.
Best regards,
Carlos A. Rivera
Presidente CPB
Estimados Presidentes de Federaciones,
Hago del conocimiento de ustedes que los Campeonatos Panamericanos de Tres Bandas, serán organizados por la Federación Peruana de Billar del 15 al 23 de agosto del corriente año.
Todos los detalles seran dados a conocer en las siguientes semanas.
Carlos A. Rivera
Presidente CPB